are the perfect option when something has gone south!



…fix failed prints or refresh the existing ones?

At times, it might be impossible to solve an issue with damaged thermal transfers, poor quality prints, or rebranding by ordering a new batch of clothes. It takes time, costs money, and involves risks, making it a task that is often not possible to fulfill. Euro-Transfers can offer something much more effective! Clothes repair can be a real game changer!

When is it worth recalculating the costs and opting for clothes repair instead of replacing it with new items? It turns out to be a very profitable investment in many situations. I.e.:

  • Your brand underwent a graphic metamorphosis, and using clothing models with old graphic elements is no longer possible.
  • Low-quality prints have been produced and they do not meet your expectations.
  • The prints deteriorate over time, and you invested in high-quality branded clothing.
  • Deadlines are crucial, and fulfilling your contract depends on delivering complete clothes sets.
  • The labeling was set on specialized, high-quality clothes with specific properties that are difficult to replace or come with high costs.

In above mentioned situations (and many more!), Euro-Transfers’ professional clothing repair service may be the only real chance to meet your needs. It’s always about the individual conditions, goals, and limitations of our partners. Undoubtedly, those are the most important elements in every project.

Need our help? Contact us, and we will assist you in determining if clothes repairing services are what you need.



…is it a good solution?

Many customers wonder if clothes repair is a good answer to their needs. Can they expect the highest quality? How can they be sure the result will be satisfactory? What exactly does the whole service entail? These doubts are completely natural. And it’s essential to understand what clothes repair services involve before we start a collaboration.

By entrusting Euro-Transfers with corrective prints or brand rebranding, customers choose a comprehensive service that consists of the following stages:

  • We analyze the possibilities and evaluate potential achievable effects. Simultaneously, we select the best product available at Euro-Transfers.
  • Our employees carefully remove old prints to ensure no damage on the clothes.
  • New, high-quality applications are then applied to the prepared surfaces. Of course, the applications are adjusted to the specific needs of each customer.

We have modern technologies and professional equipment. Without a doubt, it allows us to perfectly customize thermal transfers to the dedicated functions of each piece of clothing.

Due to the service’s specificity, we approach each task individually. Thus, there are no minimum quantity restrictions set on our clients.

We understand that various factors influence cost calculations in such services. Therefore, the schedule for completing an order and its final cost are estimated individually for each request.

Would you like to know whether we can help restore the proper appearance of your clothes? Write or call us, and we will provide you with detailed information.


Euro-Transfers provides clothes repairing services for items that fail to fulfill their purpose.

If you need more information or wish to place an order, contact our specialists. Let’s work together!


… to cooperation

Paweł Halarewicz
Polish, English

+48 668 434 649


Florian Schlichert

+49 175 9732161


Łukasz Zboralski
Polish, English

+ 48 504 806 188